MORE than 2,000 people with suspected cancer in Bournemouth have benefitted from a new waiting times trial which has seen the length of time they wait for diagnosis cut from 62 days to just 28.

RBH has been working with NHS England and four other trusts across the country on a trial to progress patients’ waiting time from initial referral to cancer diagnosis in 28 days, less than half of the current national target.

The Cancer Information Team involved in the Faster Diagnosis Standard ran the initial trial on lung, urology and colorectal cancers.

Rianna McLean, Senior Cancer Information Analyst at RBH, said: “A diagnosis can involve a number of tests – in some cases more than 10 tests need to be carried out to get the required information."

She said that the new, 28-day targets were 'so wroth it, knowing the difference it makes to our patients who are understandably anxious to get their diagnoses'. And, she added, the benefits were also being seen in other areas including neurology which are now getting faster diagnoses too.

The team now has the job of rolling out the same standard to all other cancer disciplines. It is one of two trusts nationally to do so, helping train other trusts in Wessex and as far afield as Newcastle on the logistics of the new target that will eventually become the national target.

Lead Colorectal Cancer Nurse Specialist at RBH Sara Pullinger, said: “From the moment a patient is referred on a fast track pathway they start a potentially very stressful journey. Waiting for investigations and the result is always going to be an anxious time, so anything we can do to speed up this process makes a real difference."

She said that seeing patients and their loved ones benefitting from the new 28 day target was 'very rewarding to us as health care professionals'. "It undoubtedly benefits patients both emotionally and positively with respect to clinical outcomes,” she said.