PROPOSALS for a selection of advertisements at a Highcliffe housing development go before councillors - but they have already been put in place.

Churchill Retirement Living seek permission to erect three Union Jack flag poles, six Churchill Retirement Living and a monolith stack board at their Stuart Road development.

A decision will be made on the application by Christchurch Borough Council's planning committee on Thursday (14.9).

However, as outlined in the planning officer's report, it is a retrospective application to retain the advertisements for period of five years from June 30 2017.

The stack board and two of the flag poles are on the main road through Highcliffe, Lymington Road, while the other seven flag poles are along Stuart Road.

The plans received 33 responses objecting to the proposals.

These responses questioned the retrospective nature of the application and argued the advertisements are inappropriate for the area.

The planning officer has recommended members grant part of the application.

In summarising the report, the officer says: "The advertisements will not have a detrimental impact on public safety.

"The monolith V-shaped stack board and four flag poles, two on the Lymington Road frontage and the northernmost two on the Stuart Road frontage will not adversely affect the visual amenities of the site and locality.

"The five southernmost flag poles along the Stuart Road frontage of the site are

considered out of character with the area and result in an intrusive and cluttered

appearance detrimental to the visual amenities of the site and locality"