I WRITE in response to the letter printed in the Echo of Wednesday, August 24 from Martyn Underhill, Dorset PCC.

Mr Underhill states that he understands readers’ concerns.

Does he really understand how frightening it must be to suddenly have to live in close proximity to a group of people who are at best defensive of their position and at times very aggressive?

We all realise the difficulties involved with the use of Section 62A powers without an available temporary or permanent site in the conurbation, but the use of Section 61 requires very different criteria, some of which are invariably the case as mentioned in Mr Underhill’s letter.

The role of the PCC is not operational but he is very much required to listen to and act on the needs of the residents of Dorset, by shaping the strategic direction of Dorset Police.

In contrast, the role of the Chief Constable is clearly operational and so Chief Constable Debbie Simpson should be engaging far more effectively with local authorities across the conurbation as a matter of urgency.

I think that we can say that the overwhelming majority of the population of Bournemouth and Poole do not wish to have their local areas invaded every summer by groups of people who consider themselves to be above the law.

Currently the burden of removal is almost entirely shouldered by council officers, with help from police officers in extreme situations.

We need to work together to share that burden more equally.

There is legislation in place, I ask that it is used on far more occasions.

This will show our communities that their way of life is as important as that of travelling community groups and that we will protect them.


Boscombe West Ward

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