I HAVE been very disappointed with the response of the police to the incursion by travellers in Muscliff Park. This has been a very difficult and sometimes frightening time for the residents who live around and use the park.

The community centre and the youth centre/cafe have had to be closed in this period and the children’s play area has not been able to be used by local residents (just travellers’ children).

In my opinion Sec 61 should have been used by the police to disperse the travellers within 24 hours.

Supt Mike Rodgers commenting on Radio Solent said “that in exceptional circumstances such as residents being denied land and use of facilities that the act could be used”.

I do not understand what part of those exceptional circumstances has not been ticked.

I hope that the police can reflect on what has happened over the last week and try and use the existing laws in favour of our local residents.


Bournemouth council

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