A FORMER Hampshire teacher has today been jailed for six months for making more than 180 indecent images of children.

Tyrone Mark, a former head of year at Arnewood School in New Milton, was found to have the images on his laptop and mobile phone.

Mark, 40, of Caerphilly in Wales, committed the offences after he was sacked from Arnewood over his inappropriate relationship with a student.

As previously reported by the Daily Echo, Mark gave a pupil alcohol, condoms, and the keys to his house.

David Reid, prosecuting, said Mark texted her inappropriately, gave her gifts, and took her on outing without her parents’ knowledge or consent.

Mr Reid said police were investigating his conduct at Arnewood when they raided his home and find 185 indecent images – 10 of which were category A.

Mark had admitted 17 offences of making indecent images at a previous hearing.

Tim Concannon, in mitigation, said “When these offences were committed he was no longer in a position of trust.”

But Judge Peter Henry said the images included “graphic and repulsive” photographs of naked children aged 10-15.

“These are offences that have victims", he said.

“These young children have suffered and will suffer greatly in future as they mature.

“These offences have to be met with a custodial sentence.”

Mark is not facing any further action in relation to his relationship with the Arnewood pupil, the court heard.