A POOLE councillor has been slated for receiving thousands in allowances – despite moving to Wales in November.

Member for Branksome East Jane Pratt, who serves on eight council committees, moved over 100 miles away before Christmas after her husband’s job moved.

While she has not claimed expenses, she has continued to claim her councillor allowances amounting to almost £14,000 a year.

Mrs Pratt, who isn’t standing at the next election, has been travelling back to Poole for meetings and has not missed a full council or Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee, of which she is chair.

She insisted she was “always available,” in person when she is in Poole, and by phone and email when she is not.

In Poole for a meeting she told the Echo: “I have continued to represent my residents and at no point have I not fulfilled my duties.”

Mrs Pratt said she hadn’t stood down because her situation was “fluid”, and she had been looking for accommodation in Poole

“Life is like that. People can’t always make very quick decisions.” She added: “I’m not a career politician and people have to realise that councillors have to deal with changes in their lives like anybody else.”

But Liberal Democrat Councillor Philip Eades accused the Tory group of deliberately “keeping quiet” about the Tory councillor’s move to avoid a by-election – referring to the Poole Conservatives and Borough of Poole websites where her Poole address is still listed.

Cllr Eades said: “This this is a disgraceful piece of misrepresentation to the residents of Branksome East. Local people expect someone who lives in Poole and is committed to Poole to represent them. Cllr Mrs Pratt should have resigned her seat the minute she left the Borough of Poole. He called on her to “repay the public purse the full sum she has claimed since she left the country.”

Council leader Elaine Atkinson said she had discussed the situation with Cllr Pratt in November and agreed she would be able to “see the work through.”

She said the story was “politically motivated” and said Cllr Pratt had continued to “represent her community well.” She said the address information on the council website would be updated.

A spokesman for Borough of Poole confirmed she had fulfilled the legal attendance requirement is to attend one meeting in six months.