RESIDENTS are being urged to roll up their sleeves and help spruce up their streets and public places today.

Today - the first day of spring - is the first ever Community Clear Up day and there should be events taking place across the county.

The initiative was planned by the Government, who hoped community and faith groups, councils, schools and sports teams would take part and turn local eyesores into assets.

Local Government Minister Kris Hopkins said: “People of all ages and backgrounds who take great pride in their local communities are coming together to send a clear message today that littering will not be tolerated.

“Litter is a persistent, costly and avoidable problem and it is only right we take collective responsibility to end this scourge.”

Latest figures suggest councils in England spend more than £800million every year on street cleansing.

Cllr David Smith, Bournemouth's cabinet member for planning and environment, said: “Community litter picks are a great way of fostering better community relations, improving a local environment and instilling some civic pride.

“Bournemouth is a beautiful town which we will not allow to be ruined by the minority of people who cannot dispose of their litter responsibly.”