A GROUP of eco-warriors who illegally set up camp in Poole have been ordered to leave the site.

The Bearwood and Merley Organic Energy Community Group moved on to green belt land at Magna Road on January 16.

A County Court judge ruled the group was trespassing on the land and granted Borough of Poole a possession order.

If they fail to leave the site, the council says it will bring in the bailiffs to evict the group, which has erected a straw bale structure and a few tents on the council-owned land.

Despite invitations from the judge to sit down, around 20 people stood in the public gallery throughout the somewhat heated court proceedings at Bournemouth and Poole County Court. And at one stage one man was asked to leave the court following several interruptions.

Speaking on behalf of the group, Elisabeth Nolson, who referred to herself as the ‘Sheriff of Dorset’, said the land belonged to a trust, the Common Law Community, which the group were the beneficiaries of.

She also claimed that the documents produced by the council were inaccurate.

Dismissing her claims, Judge Willis said: “They say this land is part of some form of trust. They are putting it forward that the trustees are the persons named and listed in this document called the Title Deed. I can’t begin to discern the basis in which that document has any legal force.”

Ms Nolson said it was an “outrage” that the order had been granted and said the group was not planning to leave the site.

She added: “We are not going anywhere. There are going to be about 10,000 of us now.”

Cllr David Brown, ward member for Merley and Bearwood, watched the proceedings from the public gallery.

Speaking after the judgement was made, he said: “I am pleased with the judgement for the eviction order. I hope it can be resolved peacefully and Borough of Poole can now get on and use the land to benefit the local community.”

A spokesman for Borough of Poole said a copy of the court order would be collected today and posted on the site.

If the group does do not leave the site the council will arrange for bailiffs to evict them.