
The wonderful, the amazing, the inspiring Stephen Sutton, the 19-year-old cancer patient who sadly lost his battle with the disease but gave us all the object lesson in how to live – as well as raising £5 million to help other young people like him

Lovely Lynda Bellingham who died as she had lived, courageously and in public, and who told her weeping friends ‘Don’t worry, it will be fine...’ Malala (no other names are necessary) for continuing to inspire women of all ages, even ones like me who are old enough to be her mum

British nurse Will Pooley who contracted Ebola but STILL went back to Africa to help (and all those fighting this disease)

Ceramicist Paul Cummins (and all the volunteers), for Bloodswept Lands and Seas of Red

James Nesbitt, for his brilliant acting in ‘The Missing’

Sir Bob Geldof; still angry, still sweary, still committed to doing everything in his power to help those who are suffering in Africa..


Sheffield Football Club and its brain-dead fans who thought it would be a good idea to allow the rapist Ched Evans to re-join them

Madonna, for continuing to believe there is something artistic and valid about posing for images that make her look like an extra in the ‘comedy breasts’ episode of Blackadder

Miley Cyrus, for her apparent inability to say or do anything interesting or intelligent during 2014 and showing little signs of improvement for 2015

All those idiot, politically correct officials in Rotherham who reckoned it was better to let 1,400 children be threatened and molested than be considered a racist for dealing with the pervs

Rolf Harris – you know the reasons why

All those on Christchurch Borough Council who had anything to do with allowing the Druitt Gardens trees to be hacked down

David Mellor for his ‘do you know who I am’ London cab rant

...and, finally, Russell Brand, for talking gobbledegook and squandering the one opportunity he had to pin down UKIP’s Nigel Farage on Question Time.