THIS month I have chosen two ‘cosy’ crime novels that have just been re-published by the British Library for the first time since the 1930s. 

Original editions of John Bude's first two novels are rare and highly sought after by collectors but are now available in paperback editions for the first time.

The Cornish Coast Murder by John Bude, (paperback £8.99) is set against the rugged backdrop of a fishing village on Cornwall's Atlantic coast and centres on Reverend Dodd, vicar of the quiet village of Boscawen, who usually spends his evenings reading detective stories by the fireside. 

But the vicar's peace is shattered one stormy night when local magistrate Julius Tregarthan is found at his house in the village with a bullet through his head.

The local police inspector is baffled by the complete absence of clues. Suspicion seems to fall on Tregarthan's niece, but surely she lacks the motive to shoot her uncle dead in cold blood? Luckily for Inspector Bigswell, the Reverend Dodd is on hand, ready to put his keen understanding of the criminal mind to the test.

In the Lake District Murder, (paperback £8.99) when a faceless body is found at an isolated garage, Inspector Meredith is drawn into a complex investigation where every clue leads to another puzzle. Was this a suicide, or something more sinister? Why was the dead man planning to flee the country? And how is this connected to the shady business dealings of the garage?

This classic mystery novel is set amidst the stunning scenery of a small village in the Lake District and these recent publications will now bring him to the attention of a new generation of readers.