UKRAINE, a country in Eastern Europe that rarely makes the news – until recently that is. In something akin of the Cold War, Ukraine has been torn apart by wave after wave of protests, whilst the looming powerhouses of the EU, USA and Russian Federation negotiate behind the scenes for a favourable outcome.

Following President Yanukovitch turning down a trade deal with the European Union, in return for a Multi-Billion Dollar Loan from Putins Russia, protestors spilled out onto the streets, occupying buildings and barricading roads to voice their objections. Naturally the President declared a national state of emergency and rolled out the Police.

However despite months of violence, the Protesters just will not give up, and go home. With the European Union ‘’urging’’ the protestors on, alongside the USA it is hardly surprising that the Ukrainians are not willing to back down – after all, they have some pretty powerful supporters.

But, in the midst of the increasingly confusing situation in Ukraine, with the Government issuing new laws left right and centre, and the various powerhouses of the world tip-toing around the issue, people forget one thing.

Civilians. Despite the support for Ukraine, two people have died in clashes with the Police, and many more – including police – have been injured. It appears that the global power playing is affecting normal people, surprise surprise. Perhaps it is time for the three major players to stop treating this Civil Unrest as a chance to bash one another, or as many would suggest, as a chance to grab some more money – after all the entire thing started over a trade deal – and to actual wise up to the real cost of the clashes. Human Lives.

Yes, the protesters have real concerns, and therefore they deserve real action. While the politicians of the world sit in their offices, hundreds if not thousands of miles away from the streets of Kiev, people are dying and been injured. Maybe it is time the EU, USA and Russia actually started to take real action, actually met, face-to-face and decided on a solution for Ukraine.