Her Campus, an international online publication aimed at girls, saw the launch of its Bournemouth branch on February 11. The publication is locally run by Alesia Robertson, a Multimedia Journalism student at Bournemouth University, and features style, beauty, health, career and more.

The website has now been viewed over 3,000 times with an average of 500 pageviews a day. “Our Facebook page has 58 likes so we still need to build up our subscriber base but we’ve already got over 300 followers on Twitter. All in all these are quite good statistics considering we launched a week ago!” said Alesia.

“To make sure Her Campus Bournemouth got a kick-start for the launch, I created a social media buzz, gathered a wicked team of girls, designed banners and partnered up with businesses and bloggers to maximise the publicity.“ Initially based in Boston, the website has local chapters in more than 200 universities across the US, the UK and Australia. “Each chapter is written by collegiette girls for collegiette girls,” said Alesia. “Its purpose is to be "a collegiette's guide to life.”

Alesia was spotted on Twitter by Lauren Hudson, Her Campus Head of Expansion, who suggested that she gets involved with launching a new branch at Bournemouth University. After a two-month application process and an interview, the process started and the now editor-in-chief started to gather a team of writers.

“Bournemouth Uni already has a fair number of student publications but none of them are aimed especially at girls, so Her Campus was definitely missing in this area!”

The team now wants to build a solid long-lasting team and get involved in events, form partnership as well as organising fundraising events and competitions.