A COURAGEOUS youngster with cancer will take a well-deserved break with his family thanks to the kindness of friends.

Alfie Roberts, seven, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on his sixth birthday, and mum Clair said it has hit all who love him hard.

But Clair’s friends Bree Lucas and New Inn landlady Sandra Horlock are determined to send the family away on a short break, and are holding a quiz night at the pub this Saturday to help.

Clair, of Oakdale, said: “My friends have just been absolutely amazing, and they have been raising money to send us away for a short break.

“Alfie is so brave – he never complains.

“But I have two other children, who are 15 and 11, and even though they’re not the ones going through it, it’s hard for them as well. They are affected by it all too.”

Alfie received a Little Star Award from Cancer Research UK, which recognises the courage shown by children with cancer, in December last year.

His worried mum took him to hospital in May 2012 after noticing he was pale, but believed he had a virus.

Although initial blood tests didn’t confirm his illness, a bone marrow biopsy revealed he had leukaemia, and doctors immediately started the youngster on a three year-course of chemotherapy.

Clair said: “We’ve been so lucky with Alfie’s treatment – his consultant is phenomenal.

“I’ve always liked to turn a negative into a positive, and this experience has made us all so much stronger.

“But like any family going through something so hard, it would be amazing for us to have a little break together, and I’m so grateful to my wonderful friends for trying to sort this out for us.”

The quiz will take place at the New Inn in Wimborne Road, Poole, from 7.30pm.

There will also be a raffle and an auction, and the evening will close with a disco.