Reporter Paula Roberts is running her first half marathon at the first Bournemouth Marathon Festival - and she's blogging her training as she goes...

August 26 - just under six weeks to go!

I'm really excited about taking part in the Bournemouth Marathon Festival.

I've completed many 10km runs and an eight-mile off roader, but this is my first half marathon.

I've been under the expert tuition of Bournemouth Fitness First personal trainer Karen Morison, who is getting me ready for the big day.

When I first met Karen she took some of my measurements for weight, height and body fat. She also assessed my posture.

"This is essential to look at what areas of the body need strengthening, stretching to help improve performance and reduce the risk of injury."

Karen spent the first month's training improving my core strength, functional movement and flexibility.

This was done by using a variety of equipment in the gym such as VIPRs and TRX bands. OUCH!

The next step was to up my running quota to a (hopeful) four times a week, consisting of speedy, tempo, easy and a long run of around 30 mins/5km.

Karen has given me an action plan for this week - 40 mins easy running, 40 mins tempo running, 40 mins speed running and a long run of 60 minutes.

I'll keep you posted!