COUNCILLORS have been accused of a ‘cop out’ after they decided not to take a strong stance on badger culls.

A heated debate over government-proposed culls to stop the spread of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) took place at a meeting of Dorset County Council this morning.

Cllr Dan Brember had tabled a notice of motion to urge the authority to raise concerns over the government’s plans. He said that whilst bovine tuberculosis has a ‘serious and damaging’ impact, a cull is not the answer.

The motion was supported by Cllr Andy Canning, who said culls are not an effective way of wiping out the disease.

But a majority of councillors voted in favour of an amendment by Cllr Hilary Cox, cabinent member for environment, which says finding a solution ‘is a matter for government and parliament at national level.’

The agreed amendment goes on to say the council ‘urges the government to be led by the best available science’ to find a solution and to do so ‘in the most humane way available.’

The wording was met by strong opposition from some councillors, who said it was ‘watering down’ Cllr Brember’s original motion.

Cllr Mike Byatt said: “I do believe it is the business of this county council to express a view. We are elected members, that is what we are here for.

“I will not be supporting the amendment.”

He added: “I don’t think this amendment is punchy enough.”

The amendment was voted by a majority of 26 to 12.