DORSET-based cosmetics company Lush is helping to address the UK’s declining bee population.

The firm, which opened its first store in Poole, is currently looking for sites around the UK to host its purpose-built, handmade hives, which will help in the sourcing of local honey using natural beekeeping methods, as well as encourage another generation of budding bee enthusiasts.

Lush aims to house the hives on land throughout the country and inhabit them only with swarms caught in the areas they are placed, meaning the bees in each hive will be ideally suited to their geographical region and not imported from around the world or other parts of the UK.

This method means the bee’s natural lifecycle will not be interfered with and, by allowing natural selection, it is hoped the current strength of struggling bee colonies within the UK will be improved.

The firm will only be using a surplus, which the bees naturally make, in some of its products, ensuring they have enough stores to see them through the winter without the need for sugar syrup supplements.

Currently, 80 of Lush’s 100 purpose-built hives are housed in various locations around the UK, including Dorset, Surrey and Cornwall, with a further 20 in need of housing as part of the project.

Anyone interested in housing a hive should email Lush growing manager Richard Pickett,