A PLEA has been issued to the thousands of women in East Dorset who took part in Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life events in Wimborne, Bournemouth and Poole.

The formidable army of mums, daughters, sisters, grans, aunts and friends banded together in the fight against cancer.

Now organ-isers are saying a big thank you to everyone who took part and urging them to return their sponsorship money.

They are hoping to raise over £500,000 to fund lifesaving research into 200 different types of cancer.

Rachel Northover, Race for Life event manager, said: “We are so very grateful to all our participants, supporters and wonderful volunteers who helped make the Race for Life events in East Dorset so amazing.

“Now the big days are over, we are asking everyone to take one last step – by returning the money they’ve raised so it can go into vital research to help more men, women and children survive cancer.” Rachel added: “Many people don’t realise that their entry fee only covers the cost of staging the event. It’s the sponsorship money that really makes a difference. “Cancer Research UK doesn’t receive any government funding for its ground-breaking work. The money local people raise through Race for Life is crucial because it means we can go on supporting the pioneering work of doctors, nurses and scientists who are fighting cancer on all fronts. “With help from the people of East Dorset, we intend to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.”

There are three ways to return sponsorship money: online at raceforlife.org/returnsponsorship, by calling 0845 600 6050 or by posting a cheque, payable to Cancer Research UK, to Race for Life, PO Box 442, Northampton, NN3 6UU.