A PROPOSAL for a new business park which supporters claimed would create hundreds of jobs, has been thrown out by planners.

Verwood company Canford Renewable Energy had laid out plans for a low-carbon business park which could provide 1,650 jobs – with Lush named among the businesses who had expressed an interest in setting up there. But an outline planning application for the 17.6 hectare site south of Magna Road was refused by planners, who said the grassland area should not be turned over for business development “due to the availability of other sites” in the borough.

The land is currently safeguarded for future employment uses, and, while recognising the investment and jobs such a development would bring, planners judged that at this time the land was not required. It was also refused on the grounds of potential harm to the environment, including neighbouring areas of SSSI.

The proposal brought in almost 230 letters of objection, based on the loss of the recreational space, impact on wildlife and increased traffic, among other concerns.

Cllr Philip Eades, who chaired the committee, pointed to the history of the site, which was designated for future employment uses after it was earmarked for the A31 link road some 20 years ago.

He told the Echo: “My personal view, and one that local residents would support, is that it is no different to other green belt land in Canford Magna. “It just so happens it has this quirky zoning from years ago.”

He added that concerned residents would be “well advised” to petition the council ahead of the review of Poole’s core stra-tegy, which could see the land re-designated as green belt in the longer term.

Resident Linzi McCallum, of Viscount Walk, said the plans would have been a “nightmare” for residents, devaluing homes, taking away a green space popular with dog walkers and joggers and adding to existing congestion.

“It’s fantastic news. We’re over the moon,” she added.