A DRUG-CRAZED intruder who threatened a terrified woman at knifepoint in her own bedroom has been jailed for three years.

Ronald Carter, 21, from Wharncliffe Road, Bournemouth, admitted aggravated burglary in the town's Lorne Park Road on March 20 this year.

Bournemouth Echo:

Prosecuting at Bournemouth Crown Court, Jennie Rickman said Carter's victim had been so traumatised she had not been able to return home.

The Polish graduate discovered Carter in her bedroom, brandishing a kitchen knife.

Mrs Rickman added: “He was standing by her bed, with her lap-top computer. She asked: 'What are you doing?' and he replied: 'I have a knife,' thrusting it in her direction.”

Carter fled along Old Christchurch Road with his plucky victim giving chase and shouting: 'Stop, he's a thief.'

Two Good Samaritans tried to stop him in his tracks. Police found Carter in Stafford Road after he had fallen and dislocated his shoulder.

In a statement, his victim said: “This incident left me scared to go home; I was terrified; I thought he was going to stab me.

“I feel very angry; I was happy in my flat.”

Defending, Nick Robinson said Carter had armed himself in case he was challenged, adding: “He was in drink and on drugs.”

In a letter to the court Carter said: “I do not condone what I did; it was wrong and I'm not proud of it at all. I never intended anyone harm; I'm not a violent person.”

Judge Samuel Wiggs told him: “What you did was extremely serious.

“You went into a young lady's room; she was so frightened that she has had to move home.”

Det Sgt Mark Jenkins said: “The victim has shown remarkable strength of character. I also want to thank the members of public who helped her and police officers to bring Carter to justice.”