BOTH Bournemouth and Poole councils are reviewing their policies on the filming of meetings, following new guidance from the Government.

Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles published new guidelines on Friday outlining the rights of journalists and residents to report, blog, tweet and film council meetings in England.

Secretary of State Eric Pickles said: “I want to stand up for the rights of journalists and taxpayers to scrutinise and challenge decisions of the state.

“Data protection rules or health and safety should not be used to suppress reporting or a healthy dose of criticism.”

The guidance says: "The rules require councils to provide reasonable facilities for any member of the public to report on meetings. Councils should thus allow the filming of councillors and officers at meetings that are open to the public."

The Borough of Poole said requests to film council meetings were currently considered on a case by case basis but said it would now be reviewing its policy.

And Bournemouth Borough Council said they were currently reviewing the principles underpinning the filming of all council meetings and would be publishing a report in the autumn.