THE winners of the Daily Echo-backed Blooming Beautiful Bournemouth have been announced.

Following the voting process, which asked readers to choose their favourite business in Bournemouth’s coastal areas, the winner and two runners-up from the five top finalists were recognised for their achievements and contribution to their customers.

Daily Echo is now pleased to be able to reveal the overall winner of the competition – which was run in conjunction with Bournemouth Coastal BID and Heart FM – as the Cumberland Hotel, on the East Cliff.

Kevin Wood, manager, leads a team of around 250 staff at the hotel, which has a 1930s Art Deco feel with a modern twist, offers stunning views across Bournemouth’s seafront.

After accepting the award, he said: “It’s wonderful and I am so surprised. We don’t get to ask everyone who comes into the Cumberland what they think, so I’m pleased all our hard work has paid off.”

The Cumberland Hotel has won £1,500 worth of advertising in the Daily Echo, whilst runners-up Sands Hair Design, in Southbourne and COOK, in Westbourne, have each won £750 worth of advertising in the Daily Echo.

Des Simmons, Chairman of Bournemouth Coastal BID, said: “The idea for Blooming Beautiful Bournemouth was to bring more people to the resort.”

He added: “It ran across Westbourne, Boscombe, Southbourne, the East Cliff and West Cliff of Bournemouth, and has brought all the areas together as members of the Bournemouth Coastal BID, and has drawn people in from outside the area.

“We had over 2,000 votes cast during the two stages of the competition with the help of the bus providers who had the advertising on the sides and back of the buses, and the efforts of the shops themselves.”