JUSTINE BRYAN aged 40 of Anthony’s Avenue, Poole. Admitted causing unnecessary suffering to a shih tzu-type dog by failing to provide adequate veterinary care and attention for its skin condition. Community order made. The defendant to carry out unpaid work for 150 hours within the next 12 months. Costs of £100. Disqualified from owning dogs for five years. Also admitted three counts of not taking steps to ensure the dog’s needs were met by failing to provide care for a problem with its eyes, failing to provide care for its skin condition and not adequately grooming it and trimming its nails. Also admitted causing unnecessary suffering by failing to provide treatment for eye problems. Community order as above. Two charges of two counts of failing to take steps to ensure the needs of the dog were met to the extent required by good practice. Community order as above.

DALE ROBERT KERNOGHAN aged 28 of United Reformed Church, Poole. Admitted failing to comply with direction of a PC to leave Poole High Street and not return for a period of 12 hours, the constable believing his presence could cause a repetition of alcohol related crime or disorder. Fined £35. To pay victim surcharge of £20. Costs of £85.

PAUL DAVID BRINE aged 38 of Hooke Close, Poole. Admitted indecent exposure at Chiquito in Tower Park, Poole. Community order made. Defendant to be under curfew for four months and be electronically monitored. To pay victim surcharge of £60, costs £85. Also admitted indecent exposure at Bowlplex, Tower Park. Community order as above.

RONALD JAMES BUTTERFIELD aged 62 of Redhoave Road, Poole. Admitted failing to notify Poole Borough Council of a change of circumstance which would affect his entitlement to Housing Benefit and Council Tax benefit in that he held a part time self employment job with DHL. Community order made to carry out unpaid work for 150 hours within the next 12 months. Costs of £300. Also admitted failing to notify Poole Borough Council of another change in circumstances which could affect his entitlement to housing benefit and council tax benefit, namely that his wife held part-time work with Unique Cleaning Services. Community order as above. Also admitted two counts of failing to notify Poole Borough Council of a change of circumstances which would affect his entitlement to Jobseeker’s Allowance in that he was working for DHL as a part-time delivery person. Also admitted dishonestly making a statement or representation to a local authority by failing to disclose he was receiving an occupational pension since 2007 and a personal pension since 2006. Community order as above. Also admitted dishonestly making a statement or representation to a local authority by failing to disclose his wife’s part time employment, his occupational and personal pensions and the fact that he was working part-time for DHL. Community order as above.

SAM WITCHELL aged 26 of Bell Heather Close, Poole. Admitted having a counterfeit £20 note knowing it was counterfeit. Committed to prison for 18 weeks suspended for 12 months. To participate in the Thinking Skills Programme for 19 days. To pay victim surcharge of £80. Costs of £85.

CHERYL CHAPPELL aged 22 of Middlebere Crescent, Poole. Admitted at Poole of assaulting a man by beating. Community order made. The defendant to participate in education, training and employment for 10 days, and participate in the Thinking Skills Programme for 19 days. To pay compensation of £75.