SIMON LEE BAUGH aged 43 of Stanfield Road, Bournemouth. Admitted damage to a front door belonging to Coral Bookmakers, Winton. Discharge conditionally for 12 months. To pay compensation of £220. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85.

JASON GERALD JONES aged 42 of Malvern Road, Bournemouth. Admitted begging in Westover Road. Discharged conditionally for six months. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85.

CHRISTIAN KEITH PERRY aged 41 of St Swithun’s Road, Bournemouth. Admitted using threatening words or behaviour at Co-Operative Stores, Madeira Road. Discharged conditionally for six months. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85.

SIMON CHARLES SILK aged 40 of no fixed abode. Admitted begging in Westover Road, Bournemouth. Discharged conditionally for six months. To pay victim surcharge, £15; costs £85.

THOMAS STIRLING FINN aged 19 of no fixed abode. Admitted assaulting a constable in the execution of his/her duty at Fitzharris Avenue, Bournemouth. Community order made. The defendant to carry out unpaid work for 100 hours within the next 12 months. To pay compensation of £50. To pay victim surcharge of £60. Costs of £85. Also admitted violent behaviour by acting aggressively and resisting officers in Bournemouth Police Station. Community order as above.

HAYLEY GRAHAM aged 23 of Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. Admitted assault by beating. Committed to prison for 16 weeks suspended for 12 months. To carry out unpaid work for 100 hours within the next 12 months. To pay compensation of £100. To pay victim surcharge of £80. Costs of £85.

MADELEINE KREINA PANKHURST aged 41 of Hawkwood Road, Bournemouth. Admitted the theft of face creams to the value of £41.68 belonging to Wilkinsons. Community order made. The defendant to have treatment for drug dependency as a non-resident patient for six months. To pay victim surcharge of £60. Costs of £50.