A MOTORCYCLIST from Bournemouth has been killed after losing control of his bike near Shaftesbury.

Emergency services were called to the scene on the A30 at Donhead St Andrew, between Shaftesbury and Salisbury, on Friday afternoon.
A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said the 61-year-old man was riding a red Aprilia Tuono Fighter 998 motorbike towards Salisbury at Brook Hill when the accident happened at around 1.30pm.

A blue Scania car transporter was travelling in the opposite direction, towards Shaftesbury, at the time the man lost control of his motorbike, but there was no collision, police said.

The victim was declared dead at the scene.
The road was closed for six hours while specialists examined the crash site for clues.
The stretch through Donhead St Andrew involves some sharp bends and goes up and down hills.

One villager told the Daily Echo: “It was on the hill and the road was shut for quite some time, I had to divert on my way back from work in Shaftesbury.
“You have to be careful on this road, there are some tight corners.”
Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward.
Phone Wiltshire Police on 01380 735735 or e-mail either PC Stephen Cox or PC Christopher Penny at <&bh"mailto:Stephen.cox@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk">Stephen.cox@wiltshire. pnn.police.uk<&eh> or Christopher. penny@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk.