A SERIES of problems with finding suitable locations and volunteer helpers has forced Bournemouth carnival organisers to scale back this year’s event.

This year’s carnival week, which will run from July 29 until August 4, will consist of a large range of children’s events and the teddy bear charity stall in the Lower Gardens.

But the procession, which was due to take place on Sunday, August 4, has been cancelled this year. Over the past couple of years, this has failed to attract large numbers of spectators and organisers also struggled to attract the required number of route marshals.

The live entertainment normally associated with Bournemouth carnival will also not be happening this year.

This is because of new rules governing the times when the bandstand can be used and the fact the carnival organisers could not get any guarantees of locations or power supplies.

Details of all the children’s events that will be taking place are available online at bournemouthcarnival.info and the carnival court will be representing the town at other events throughout the summer.

Organisers are also hopeful that this year’s revised programme will be a temporary blip and that enough volunteers will come forward to restore next year’s event back to its former glory.

They are desperately looking for new members to join the committee and anyone interested should email enquiries@bournemouthcarnival.info.

Carnival organiser Trevor Hunter said: “With plenty of things going wrong for us this year it is difficult to hide the problems we are facing this year and continue to produce a carnival week for our regular visitors from out of town and locals alike.

“I can only stress this year is going to be a big struggle which is why we have had to make certain unpopular decisions but hopefully this may attract additional helpers so the event can return to full glory next year and keep its own place in the calendar.”