COUNTY Hall chiefs are encouraging residents to take the plunge into local politics.

Voters go to the polls on May 2 to elect new members of Dorset County Council, but prospective county councillors have until the April 5 deadline to throw their hats into the ring.

County council chief executive Debbie Ward said: “We encourage people from all walks of life to stand as a county councillor.

“We’re looking for people who feel passionately about the issues that affect residents and are able to put time and effort into representing their local community.”

The county council is comprised of 45 elected members across 42 Dorset divisions.

Mrs Ward also reminds resident the deadline to register to vote is April 17.

“It is important that residents register to vote,” she said. “These elections are a vital opportunity for local people to exercise their democratic right and make their voices heard.”

Visit for information on becoming a councillor.