A WALKING event to boost the coffers of children’s charity Leukaemia Busters has been announced for the Purbeck coast this summer.

The series of sponsored walks, under ‘Purbeck Odyssey 2013’ banner, are scheduled for June 29.

Prospective walkers can chose from a variety of treks, between four and 30 miles, and can walk alone or as part of a team.

Leukaemia Busters is a Southampton General Hospital-based charity funding the development of new treatments for currently incurable forms of leukaemia.

Leukaemia Busters’ scientific director Dr David Flavell said: “Research is the single word that describes the reason for the great progress that has been made by modern medicine in recent decades.

“Research is what has provided cures for diseases that killed people in their tens of thousands or event millions not so long ago and it be research that finally solves the problem of leukaemia in both children and adults.”

All walks start at the Norden Park and Ride station, where there will be free parking and refreshments available.

An event spokesman explained: “Leukaemia Busters is totally dependent on donations and by participating in The Purbeck Odyssey 2013, you will be making a direct contribution to our life-saving research.”

Dr Flavell added: “We are already more than halfway there with many adults and over three-quarters of children cured by today’s available treatments.

“But we can do much better than this and the cutting-edge research being carried out by Leukaemia Busters’ scientists aims to provide safer and yet more effective cures for every patient with leukaemia, young and old alike.”

Details of The Purbeck Odyssey 2013, including how to register, are available at purbeckodyssey.org or by calling 023 8077 5590. You can also email contact@leukaemiabusters.org.uk for information.