IF YOU like talking about old football matches or other sports history you can help improve the lives of people living with dementia.

A project being championed by New Forest District Council aims to stimulate past memories by reminiscing about sport after evidence showed that it helped people with memory problems.

Although in its early stages, its success is reliant on finding and training a pool of volunteers from all over the New Forest.

These are people who can spend some time talking to people with dementia, remembering great games or old matches.

A scheme called the Football Memories Project in Scotland featured at the Spotlight on Dementia conference hosted by the New Forest Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board.

Councillor Di Brooks, New Forest District Council's cabinet holder for health and leisure, said “The prevalence of dementia in the New Forest is over twice that of the average in England.

Cllr Brooks added: “So this new project could really help improve the lives of people living with the condition and boost their engagement with others.

“Full training will be provided giving local people who enjoy talking about sport a great opportunity to make a difference."

For more information visit newforest.gov.uk/dementia or call 023 8028 5411 and ask for Sue Wilks.