GRATEFUL staff at Wool’s Monkey World are delighted by a rather unusual donation – 25 cases of tiny premature baby nappies.

The nappies, handed over to the renowned ape rescue centre by Attends Healthcare Group, will be worn by one of the park’s smallest residents.

Young Bueno Junior is being hand-raised by park director Dr Alison Cronin, after his mum refused to care for him.

Bueno Junior, one of just a handful of endangered woolly monkeys born in captivity, was a bit of a surprise himself.

He was delivered by Caesarean section, last November, just hours after experts first realised his mum was even pregnant.

Dr Cronin said: “Junior was born at only 430 grams and therefore it was not easy to find a product to keep him clean and healthy.

“Nappies that are used in hospitals for premature babies are perfect as they are made for babies that are 500 grams plus, but they are not easy to find.

“We asked for help from major companies that make tiny nappies and luckily Attends Healthcare came through for little Bueno.

“Of course the extra special nappies require one further modification – a hole cut in for his wonderful prehensile tail to fit through.”

Bueno’s mum, Sara, aged 12, refused to take him after a tough labour.

It is hoped Bueno will eventually join one of Monkey World’s three groups of woolly monkeys when he’s five months old.

There are only 37 woolly monkeys in captivity in the world, 18 of them at the Purbeck rescue centre.

Dr Cronin said: “We owe Attends Healthcare Group a huge ‘thank you’ for such a generous donation.”


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