When are Bournemouth Borough Council going to start taking action against this problem on our nature reserves!

When was the last time they prosecuted a dog owner for allowing their dog to foul without picking it up? We have 5 dog bins on site yet dog fouling is getting worse!

How many more times are grazing animals and dogs going to be attacked before they take action?

Last weekend I watched two ladies watching their dog foul on the heathland and then walk away. I have spoken to these ladies on a previous occasion about this and their reply was unprintable!

Not only is this an obvious health risk but also cause a lot of damage to the fragile environment of the site.

Yesterday one of my dogs was chased by a cream GSD who was on the heathland with a cream labrador.No sign of the owner!

My dog is a rescue dog and very nervous of large dogs having been bullied by them when with a previous owner.I eventually got her back after she disappeared for 5 minutes.

By-laws state that dogs must be under control!

Come on BBC, do you job for once and let us see someone prosecuted!

Based on information supplied by Friends of Kinson Common.