A CHARITY that has already touched the lives of 370 young people – raising £170,000 – has been welcomed into the digital world with open arms.

Following the loss of their son, John Thornton, a 22-year-old Royal Marines Officer killed in Afghanistan, Linda and Pete Thornton set up the The John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation.

The organisation, which ensures the provision of opportunities for young people, was selected to be 2012 Charity of the Year by Dorset digital marketing agency, TMB.

With help from TMB, the foundation has not only been able to produce a monthly e-newsletter easily accessed by supporters, but also the software, ‘newsMailr’ enables them to improve month on month by generating user statistics.

Linda said: “With the great support of TMB the JTYAF has really ‘gone digital’ and we’ve found newsMailr so very easy to use.

We can’t thank TMB enough as our support has hugely increased during the last twelve months due to their expertise.”

Anyone wishing to support The John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation can call 01202 890035 or visit jtyaf.org.