A DRAMA school has been letting parents take the lead in a bid to raise cash for struggling families.

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy encouraged parents to take part in their children’s classes and donate money for the Bournemouth Food Bank, based in Charminster.

Principal Susana Ayala said she was pleased with the support and feedback from all who took part, “The parents that have come have been fantastic,” she said.

“They do come along thinking they’re going to watch and they get a bit of a shock when they realise they have to get involved.”

So far over £200 has been raised but Susana says she won’t stop there. Plans are being made for a further fun activity to top up the funds such as allowing students to take hold of a foam pie and ‘splat the teacher’.

The principle also wants to continue fundraising for local charities in the area, focusing on a different one every year.

Susana added: “We’ve always fundraised for Children In Need, but we decided this time to do something local.”

The drama classes, which are mostly aimed at helping children to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, welcomed parents to take part in activities such as creative improvised drama and speech work.

The exercises had children and their parents literally rolling on the floor as they act out being wild cats and magical gnomes that come alive, all in the name of charity.

Money raised by the classes will go to the Bournemouth Food Bank to help keep them stocked with food that they provide to those who visit with food vouchers.

A final class is to be held on Friday in the Ringwood area 4-5pm, for more details contact Susana on 07963056555.