CRIME on Bournemouth’s Townsend estate has plummeted by 20 per cent during the past year with the number of antisocial behaviour incidents down by almost a quarter.

The Dorset police figures were released at a meeting of the Townsend Together Team when members heard how three Acceptable Behaviour Contracts had been issued to young people on the estate and drugs had been seized at two properties.

Overall crime has dropped by a fifth on the once troubled estate and residents are being urged to report incidents of antisocial behaviour to the police.

Townsend Together Team chair Claire Geraghty said: “The reduced crime figures are really positive for Townsend; it’s amazing when you consider the problems the estate suffered just a few years ago.”

A decade ago bus services on Townsend were suspended following a spate of attacks on Yellow Buses, amid fears for the safety of drivers as well as passengers.

Claire added: “Children living on Townsend have more respect for their surroundings now; through joint efforts with the youth club more activities are being organised to keep them off the streets. The BMX track is also proving popular and we are still trying to find funding for a concrete skate park.”

Residents of all ages joined forces to give the outdated BMX track a makeover, working tirelessly to spruce up the much-needed attraction using hand tools and a digger.

Claire said: “Our football team is doing really well; young people on Townsend used to get into trouble through boredom. Thankfully, these days, there is a lot to keep them occupied.”