A SERIES of exciting new attractions are planned at Bournemouth Pier to try and boost its appeal to visitors.

Openwide International, which has a lease agreement on the pier, wants to install a nautical-themed high ropes course and a zip line attraction that will launch riders from the pier and across the sea to the beach.

The company is also seeking permission to build a standing surf wave ride on the end of the pier.

This is the latest proposal from Openwide, who had previously considered installing a big wheel or a tower on the end of the pier.

However, both these plans had to be scrapped because of the height restrictions put in place for the air festival.

If successful, the new attractions will replace the collection of small and old children’s rides that are currently based at the end of the pier.

In its planning application, lodged with Bournemouth council, Openwide say the surf wave will be known as the Oz Wave and will be useable all year round.

The dual level high ropes and zip line course will also be useable all year round and will have two different levels – one for use by younger or nervous riders and a more daring one for the more adventurous.

Rory Holburn, director of Openwide, said: “We’ve been really searching the entire attractions market for a concept that would bring people up the pier. It needs to be something appealing and intriguing enough to get people to pay the toll and come up and take a look.

“We’ve put together a collection of things that can attract all ages – from young children to fun-loving adults. It’s also very much of the moment.

“The zip wire is key to the whole development because it’s that that demonstrates to people on the beach that there is something going on at the pier.”