SOUTH Dorset MP Richard Drax has demanded action over the threatened Portland Coastguard helicopter base.

He wants Government representatives to come to Dorset “to listen to those intimately involved” in the lifesaving service.

Mr Drax hammered home the importance of the aircraft at a House of Commons debate after earlier describing Government plans to scrap the helicopter as “sheer folly”.

The Portland helicopter, that has saved scores of lives in the Daily Echo area, is set to fly its last mission in five years’ time because of budget cuts.

Opponents of the move include Dorset County Hospital’s major trauma chief, Dr Ian Mew, who has warned of “serious consequences” should Whitehall officials press ahead with the move.

Speaking during the adjournment debate he secured, Mr Drax reiterated his opposition to the controversial plan, that, as it stands, will likely see Dorset covered by the Lee-on-Solent helicopter.

In the debate also attended by Transport Under Secretary Norman Baker and Mid Dorset and North Poole MP Annette Brooke, Mr Drax said: “The point I have made repeatedly to the under secretary is that one helicopter can only be in one place at any one time. However new, however fast, it can only be in one place at any one time.”

Mr Drax said figures show in the past 14 months the Portland helicopter responded to 21 incidents at the same time as the Solent chopper.

Reiterating his call for someone to visit the Portland base, Mr Drax revealed some coastguard helicopter workers were uncertain about speaking out.

He added: “In this democracy of ours, in which millions have died to allow me to stand here and speak, the people who should be giving the government the proper advice they need are too frightened to do so, because if they do, they will lose their jobs. That is utterly outrageous.” Mr Baker said he’d pass on Mr Drax’s request for a visit to those concerned, including the Transport Secretary. He added: “It is their responsibility to deal with this issue and they will make a judgement, but he (Mr Drax) has made his point firmly and I am sure that it has been heard by others in the House too.”

To view an online petition calling for the government to save the Portland helicopter visit