SMILE Connect understands the difficulties of lone parenting. Lone parents often struggle with the responsibility of being sole provider for their children, emotionally physically and financially.

Every family situation is different, often with complicated issues surrounding contact, breakdown in communication and at times abuse or bereavement.

The children as well as parents often have complex emotional needs due to their situation.

Key issues are low self-esteem, social isolation, intense feelings of loneliness and being overwhelmed by their circumstances. Smile seeks to address these needs wherever possible.

The charity holds a variety of sessions such as a running club – recognising the benefits of exercise on general well – being and motivation. Sparkle is their self-esteem course for children.

They also have an outreach worker which offers one to one support for children and adults.

They help build a community by networking and linking individuals to each other or other support agencies. Friendships are made and healthy life choices are promoted.

The Do It for Dorset Campaign is a joint initiative between Daily Echo and the Dorset Community Foundation – a registered charity dedicated to promoting charitable giving and grant making for charities and community groups across the county.
As part of the Do It for Dorset Campaign every charity and community group signed up to campaign will have a chance to double their donations – every £10 donated through will become £22.50!