SHAHRAM MAZLUMI aged 40 of Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. Proved in absence that he failed to identify the driver of Ford who was alleged to have been guilty of an offence. Fined £600. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85. Disqualified for six months. Licence endorsed (six penalty points determined).

JAMES JOHNSTONE aged 39 of The Grove, Bournemouth. Admitted driving a Mercedes van on Wimborne Road, Bournemouth without third party insurance. Fined £110. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £35. Licence endorsed with six points. Disqualification pending sentence.

SUKHWINDER BIRING aged 34 of Cobbett Road, Southampton. Admitted driving a Volkswagen through a red light on Castle Lane East, Bournemouth. Fined £60. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £35. Licence endorsed with three points.

ANDREI BADIC aged 32 of Northcote Road, Bournemouth. Proved in absence that he drove a Renault on Charminster Road, Bournemouth whilst using a mobile phone. Fined £200. Costs of £85. Licence endorsed. Also proved in absence that he drove the above vehicle when the front nearside wheel was fitted with a pneumatic tyre which had the ply or cord exposed. Fined £400. To pay victim surcharge of £40. Licence endorsed with three points. Also proved in absence of driving the above vehicle with the front offside wheel fitted with a pneumatic tyre which had the ply exposed. Fined £400. Disqualified pending sentence.