A massive report containing future proposals for Poole’s golden beaches has been rejected by a council committee.

Members of Borough of Poole’s economy overview and scrutiny committee had been asked to send the Seafront Beaches Master Plan out for consultation but decided it was not ready.

Read all about the Seafront Beaches Master Plan

They have sent it back to officers asking for more work, disliking the look of the more than 100-page document including small white writing on a blue background on some of the pages.

Committee chairman Cllr Brian Clements complained it was “turgid” and said: “Nobody would ever read it if we issued it.

“A lot of it was about if we want the public to get involved, going out for public consultation, we have got to give them something they want to read,” he said.

The document, which sets out a framework for the next 25 years, sets out to conserve and enhance one of the town’s greatest assets, its three miles of sandy beaches.

It accepts that much of the infrastructure is dated and tired and presents ideas for each of six beach areas ranging from apartments, beach huts and cafes to the possibility of a seafront hotel and more shops at Sandbanks.

Members agreed that the master plan, which is a supplementary planning document, be revised and re-worked, together with a separate explanatory summary leaflet and be presented to them again in January.

They will then decide if they will recommend to cabinet that the document should go out for public consultation.