WITH five days off school, parents are dreading the first time their child tells them 'I'm bored'.

But with the Echo’s half-term ideas, kids will have something to do every day of the week.

Dorset Heavy Horse Farm Park in Verwood offers a full day of fun for all the family, beginning at 10.30am as the shire horses have their breakfast.

Children can have a ride on a real farm tractor, groom miniature ponies and compete in a go-kart race during their time on the farm.

For more information, visit www.dorset-heavy-horse-cen tre.co.uk

  • Older children with a taste for adventure will have a wild time at Hengistbury Head Outdoor Education Centre, where they can take part in a host of different activities.

The Centre’s family activity day might include sailing, kayaking, canoeing or even archery, but children must be over 12 to take part.

Call the Centre on 01202 425173 to speak to an instructor.

  • Compton Acres in Poole will entertain adults and children alike with ten acres of beautiful gardens.

Until Sunday, children will enjoy a scarecrow hunt around the grounds from 10am until 4pm, and successful hunters will earn themselves a small reward.

The youngster who makes the best mini scarecrow in the craft competition (£1.50 entry) will win a special children’s hamper.

For more information, call 01202 700778.

  • Ending half term on a glowing note shouldn't be too tough either.

On Thursday and Friday, the iconic beach huts on Alum Chime beach will be lit up in bright colours as classical music plays.

The spectacle will delight visitors from 6pm until 8pm, with many ‘glow’ special offers at participating restaurants and bars.

Find out more by visiting bournemouth.co.uk/glow for more information.