I really love March as it is the month that signals that spring has sprung; so many flowers start to emerge from hibernation and the leaves start to pop out bravely from their tight winter buds.

Walking through the garden this morning, which I try and do at least once a week, it brings a smile to my face to see all along the Lime Avenue the tête-à-tête daffodils are in full bloom, looking at each other as if they were having a conversation, hence the name tête-à-tête.

The spring bulbs coming up are a good signal that we need to get a ‘spring in our step’ and get some seeds sown under cover to give the flower and vegetable plants that early start.

One of my favourite vegetables to grow and eat is the courgette, not only do they crop profusely for a long season, but they can also be used in so many different dishes… I can almost smell the courgette fritters cooking on the BBQ right now!

  • Andrew Hunt is Head Gardener at Kingston Lacy. See nationaltrust.org.uk for information on opening times.