Barbara Cox is a qualified nutritionist who runs healthy meal service, Nutrichef. For more advice on eating healthily visit

If you’re in the habit of eating at your desk try following these top tips.

1. Chew slooowwwly!

Slow down and chew for longer.

2. Don’t eat on autopilot Have a proper lunch break; otherwise it can lead to poor portion control and weight gain.

3. Don’t overeat Picking on food in addition to main meals can lead to weight gain.

4. Avoid feeding bacteria. Keep your desk, keyboard and phone clean so you’re not creating a feeding ground for bacteria!

5. Keep hydrated Offices with air conditioning can be dry so make sure you’ve got a supply of water.

6. Beware of Caffeine Overload Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and energy drinks can cause caffeine overload, leading to sleepless nights and underperformance.

7. Eat at regular intervals Skipping meals can cause drops in your blood sugar levels that lead to dizzy spells and lack of concentration.

8. Choose healthy snacks After an initial energy rush from junk food, sugary foods lead to a drop in blood sugar levels causing jitters and lack of concentration.

9. Don’t drink and eat! Your digestive juices are trying to break down your food, so don’t dilute them.

10. Healthy office parties Celebration parties can be healthy. Organize fruit and vegetable platters.