RECENTLY becoming a British citizen, American born comedian Rich Hall is besotted with the quirks and eccentricities of his new home. His latest tour brought him to the Lighthouse Poole, where he’d clearly done his local research with unlikely gags about the BSO and even Brownsea Island.

The packed audience revelled in Hall’s grouchy, yet human observations of the world and politics. The first half saw the stand-up playfully interact with the audience, where we discovered a grave digger, paramedic and leaflet distributor residing in the front row.

Although an unwise audience member decided to pop to the bar minutes before the interval and was the butt of Hall’s jokes for the rest of the evening. The second half brought a musical flavour with Hall and his trusty guitar belting out hilarious improvised country songs.

The show came to a heart-warming finale as the gravedigger in the audience unexpectedly proposed to his girlfriend. A great night out from a comic who we can now proudly claim as one of our own.