THANKFULLY there was no question of the Big Yin going home early on Friday night.

The Scottish comedian opened by ridiculing last month’s headlines about a troublesome heckler.

The last of a three-night run at the BIC and it was clear that he was enjoying himself as much as his devoted audience.

From bodily functions to Vegemite (the two become connected), there’s no subjects that escapes Billy Connolly’s sharp eye and savage wit.

He takes you on a meandering journey of an angry man railing against injustice and pompousness wherever he finds it, or perceives it to be.

It had the packed house rocking in the aisles with laughter.

At three hours without an interval, it also had the audience squirming in their seats for a toilet break. A risky business if Connolly caught you sneaking out, as one unfortunate audience member discovered.

His knack of spinning several rambling anecdotes at once remains a skill that most comedians would kill for.

Weight loss pills, stink bombs and practical jokes have scorn poured on them as well as bank bonuses and politicians.

Billy’s humour is based on his dissatisfaction with the state of today’s world.

There’s a touch of pathos when he makes light of his father’s stroke, plenty of belly laughs and some more subtle moments.

And throughout the ‘F’ word and stronger is lovingly applied, though it’s always charmingly delivered with Connolly’s genial Scottish lilt.

Not for the prudish or squeamish, but very, very funny.