A PROGRAMME of music that paid tribute to the bravery, commitment and dedication of all those who served and continue to serve in the Royal Air Force was given by massed bands.

These included the Central Band, the RAF Swing Wing and the famous RAF Squadronaires under the direction of Wing Commander Duncan Stubbs, principal director of music.

Opening with Strauss’ Festival of Music for the City of Vienna, this was followed by the RAF March tribute, a medley of tunes by celebrated composers, including Ron Goodwin’s Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.

Vocalist Joanne Pullen featured a number from the film Funny Girl and later the Habanera aria from Bizet’s Carmen. Flight Lieutenant Matthew Little delighted us with A Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma.

The band paid tribute to the ladies, with a medley arranged by former principal director of music John Martindale which included Liza, Jeannie, Sweet Adeline, Georgia Brown and Dolly. Corporal Chris L’Anson was a wizard on the xylophone and his rendering of Lady Be Good was superb.

The second half of the concert featured the Squadronaires with South Rampart Street and other big band numbers. The Prayer, a tribute to the servicemen and women as performed at the 2009 Festival of Remembrance concluded a most enjoyable and moving evening.