It’s night time on Valentine’s Day, although notions of romantic moonlight are somewhat misplaced as I find myself scribing this review under a mixture of the glow from that celestial orb and candlelight thanks to a power cut. Nevertheless the spotlights were fully operational on the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and conductor Pete Harrison, enthusing with his lucid and genial introductions to one of the best planned evenings of mainly film music.

Twenty items plus a ‘Bond’ encore brought us exhilarating and moving scores that translate well into the concert hall, ranging from opera with Wagner’s Siegfried’s Death and Funeral Music to John Williams’ Hymn to the Fallen from Saving Private Ryan showing total integrity of purpose.

Romance was in the air with the tender Love Theme from Roza’s El Cid and in the superb James Horner score for Braveheart: For the Love of a Princess. Even without a film attribution it’s clear that Adam Saunders’ (present at this concert) Pirates Ahoy! is a very worthy addition to the British Light Music genre (though maybe a little more could be made of the rum-soaked boozy-bassoon solo) and his Legendary Swordsman was equally enjoyable.

Harrison’s horsing-about with Rossini’s William Tell Overture and his easy rapport with the audience continued to win admirers with a wonderful atmosphere. The iconic March from Superman (Williams), the amazing music in a suite from Michael Giacchino’s The Incredibles and John Ottman’s X2; X-Men United were just some of the stunning cinematic pieces that brought cheers and hearty applause from young and not-so-young alike.