CRASH, smash, bang, wallop! The eight performers that made up the cast of STOMP were loud and brimming with enthusiasm and energy during the opening evening of their five-night stop in Bournemouth.

As each cast member's feet tapped faster and faster, it was truly mesmerising to see what sounds they could make simultaneously using no musical instruments.

Instead, there was an array of items tapped, hit, and clashed together to make a tune, including bin lids, road signs, basketballs, and sinks.

As well as some fantastic street, and tap dancing, there was a huge amount of choreographed movement between the eight performers, which worked well as they clearly showed they were in tune with one-another.

STOMP also raised lots of laughs, with comedic moments throughout the performance, following intense sections of music and movement.

The audience is invited to clap and move their feet during certain parts of the show, and it was evident from the youngest children to the oldest grandparents, that this was a great family show to be a part of.

Each person on the stage gave it their all and was rewarded in a small way by the standing ovation that they received at the end.

Members of the audience will never see their household brushes and brooms, or a supermarket shopping trolley, in the same light again.