JACK Dee, master of the deadpan delivery, simply oozes droll indifference to whatever life puts in his path.

And while you cannot help thinking he’s just dragged himself rather unwillingly onto stage, he’s one of the few stand-up comics to get away with it.

Fans won’t be disappointed by this new show, his first nationwide tour in six years. It is fast-paced and provides Dee a myriad of everyday events to bemoan. Subjects ranging from DIY driving lessons to rock festivals all get a dose of his ‘mock’ ire.

The laughs came thick and fast and Dee tailored his routine perfectly to the sold out Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre on Wednesday night – even having a light-hearted pop at the Daily Echo.

His reference to adolescence as a form of mental illness went down well, a clear hint the crowd may have contained more than just a few parents of a certain age.

The audience had piled in hoping for a comedy boost to blow the midweek blues away and they were not disappointed.

And while Dee’s morose frown and observation-based humour got laugh after laugh after laugh, the musical ending topped the night and had everyone leaving on a high note.