Medieval shenanigans are brilliant. Except if you’ve got the plague or a hideous deformity, and actually in this sequel you’re no oil painting. But that doesn’t stop you being a hit with the laydeez.

Indeed, rumpy pumpy is quite the pastime of our hideous traveller with the mysterious backstory.

I won’t go into it, it’ll spoil the journey. Also there’s a lot to cram in and I really don’t have the space, time or comfy trousers to yammer on like a fool.

All you need to know is this fantasy RPG is a super monkey-powered glittery disco ball of the genre. The backgrounds beg to be stroked like a playful kitten, the action grabs you by the face and pushes it into the moist cake of a plot, and the nothing is held back. This is no PG outing and the combat is brutal as hell.

It’s a pity, then, that the whole gambit seems to set up another sequel. Well it’s either that or this is the most brick-wall ending since No Country for Old Men.

Still, no biggie, eh?