The quality of a third-person game is always revealed in the walk. If your protagonist staggers down the footpath like a jointless 1970s action figure, you know you're in trouble.

Wei Shen walks like a total boss. Which is fine, because he is, but that's down to United Front's terrific job on the little things in Sleeping Dogs. It joins the ranks of GTA and Assassin's Creed in serving up the finest of swaggering chaps.

Warmish on the heels of Lara Croft's definitive edition - which pretty much stands for a lick of paint and all the DLC from previous-generation jobbies - Sleeping Dogs on my PS4 here doesn't look a million miles away from how it looked on my PS3. In fact, I'd wager it's about 12 miles. The difference is there but it's hardly convincing. Granted, the original looked utterly spanking in the first place so maybe they didn't have far to go.

If you don't own a copy of Sleeping Dogs then picking it up now is well worth selling your prize gerbil for. Its double-agent Triad-interfering story is packed with the usual cliches but the action and brawl mechanics are first-rate, with fights welcoming the participation of some particularly nasty background objects into the fray.

Hong Kong is a colourful neighbourhood to kick about it, stuffed full of turf-hungry individuals with idiotic nicknames. Sure, your playground is piddly compared with other top-notch sandbox software but the place is crammed to the lanterns with missions, side-missions and fun past-times to stick your boot into.

But unless you're picky to the point of idiocy over graphical detail, upgrading isn't going to lob any new experiences into your lap.

Out on Xbox One, PS4, PC