Two things are guaranteed with Final Fantasy: hilariously bonkers storylines and astounding hairdressing.

There is a certain fanboy element with FF titles, and most of those outside of the circle will never understand what the fuss is about. Introduction is certainly made harder by the sheer number of previous volumes in existence.

If you really care about where we are in the storyline, it goes something like this: sleepy pink-haired girl with super hair wakes up from long slumber after God prods her and give her instructions that will pave the way for a new world while the old one awaits a sticky end. This little task will reward the pink-haired girl with her previously-deceased sister that sleepy pink-haired girl feels very bad about sending to her doom.

So in between gargantuan cut scenes, we fight demons and grotty underworld beings of varying sizes and hues, chatting merrily to Average Joe and Joanne, and nipping off with their souls.

So earnest in its tale and so repetitive in its battles, this third and last tale in the XIII series has hacked away all personality from its cast. This forms part of the story but prevented me from giving two shirts about what happens to the thoroughly grumpy characters. It doesn't help that much of the dialogue comes across as natural as a plastic surgeon's wife (a solder's "h-he" scared stammer is ridiculously thrown back as "hee hee".

Oh I'm sure the cult of FF will have a super lovely time examining the flowing fringes on show, but in the short-back-and-sides reality, it's a pretty poor conclusion to the trilogy.

Out on PS3, Xbox 360